
The society provides a wide variety of grants and awards. These support conservation and other primatological research projects, recognize senior levels of service and achievement in pursuit of the society's aims, and reward promising new primatologists.

Research Grants

Grant proposals are invited for either captive or wild primate-oriented research projects. Preference is given to training initiatives, start-up funds, supplementary funding for students, and innovations in animal care and research technology. Award amounts range from $500 to $1500, and will be for a period of one year. Note that the Small Research Grant is limited to studies with clear independent and dependent measures. Applicants interested in conservation-oriented grants should apply for a Conservation Grant see below ASP Conservation Small Grant.

Conservation Awards and Grants

Funded from the ASP Conservation Fund, these are a mechanism to recognize deserving colleagues and students, especially those from primate habitat countries - countries with native primate fauna - for whom the prestige of an ASP award or grant can be a valuable aid to the recipient's conservation efforts.

Awards: Students and Young Researchers

Student prize awards are awarded by the ASP Education Committee for the best oral paper and poster paper presentations at the society's meeting. The Young Investigator Award, funded by a grant from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, is awarded to facilitate the career transition from student/apprentice to independent researcher for a new- or recently-graduated scientist in any area of biological or biobehavioral science.

Awards: Recognition and Service

The society provides awards to those within primatology who have made extensive and significant contributions. The distinguished primatologist award honors an outstanding career and significant contributions. The distinguished service award recognizes long-term service to the society. The senior research award honors dedication and productivity by individuals who have not received the highest degree offered in their field that has made significant contributions to research activities supporting or enhancing knowledge relevant to primatology. The President's Award is given to individuals or to organizations that have made unique and exceptional contributions to primatology. details & request for nominations