Written by Simon Garnier on August 8, 2009 – 9:00 am • Filed Under Science, WorldWideWeb

The very recent journal Topics in Cognitive Science has released in its last issue (volume 1, number 3) and in the next one (volume 1, number 4, not online) a series of articles on collective behaviors. This special issue has been handled by the Associate Editors Robert Goldstone and Todd Gureckis and aimed at the coverage of this topic within the field of cognitive science.

The first part of this current issue is now online and contains the following articles:

  1. Collective Behavior (p 412-438), Robert L. Goldstone, Todd M. Gureckis, DOI: 10.1111/j.1756-8765.2009.01038.x
  2. Web-Based Experiments for the Study of Collective Social Dynamics in Cultural Markets (p 439-468), Matthew J. Salganik, Duncan J. Watts, DOI: 10.1111/j.1756-8765.2009.01030.x
  3. Collective Information Processing and Pattern Formation in Swarms, Flocks, and Crowds (p 469-497), Mehdi Moussaid, Simon Garnier, Guy Theraulaz, Dirk Helbing, DOI: 10.1111/j.1756-8765.2009.01028.x
  4. Social Optimization in the Presence of Cognitive Local Optima: Effects of Social Network Topology and Interaction Mode (p 498-522), James Kennedy, DOI: 10.1111/j.1756-8765.2009.01035.x
  5. Modeling the Emergence of Language as an Embodied Collective Cognitive Activity (p 523-546), Edwin Hutchins, Christine M. Johnson, DOI: 10.1111/j.1756-8765.2009.01033.x